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  1. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    You got one right.
    The first one.
    The young man at the top looks like a mixture of Negro and Oriental.
    The woman looks Hispanic. Hispanics usually have European and American Indian ancestry.
    The older man at the bottom looks mainly Negro, with some European ancestry.
    Hispanic is not Jewish
    European is not Hispanic.

    And there are no, or at least almost no, "pure Breeds", so you still have the same problem. Determining race based on appearance is less than accurate. It's "unaccurate"
    But you already knew that.

    Care to try again? I'm enjoying this.
  2. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    When presented with overwhelming evidence that racial differences have a significance and durability that strongly indicates genetic causation, whose who refuse to accept the facts retreat to the redoubt of claiming, "Race is only a social construct."
    1. shootersa
      You have presented no evidence at all that race plays any role.
      But I'm fair.
      Identify the "race gene(s)"
      I mean, if there is a genetic causation, point to the gene.
      shootersa, Nov 1, 2015
    2. shootersa
      You have presented no evidence at all that race plays any role.
      But I'm fair.
      Identify the "race gene(s)"
      I mean, if there is a genetic causation, point to the gene.
      shootersa, Nov 1, 2015
    3. shootersa
      You have presented no evidence at all that race plays any role.
      But I'm fair.
      Identify the "race gene(s)"
      I mean, if there is a genetic causation, point to the gene.
      shootersa, Nov 1, 2015
  3. chris4sylvia

    chris4sylvia Charming, Sexy, Unique and Priceless..

    Aug 1, 2006
    Don't you all find it boring that, yet again, Distant Lover has found a way to bring perceived racial differences into a discussion.

    I guess it must be the only topic he feels like discussing, as he definately knows fuck all regarding European Law pertaining to personal data protection.
    1. shootersa
      Oh no, he can also annoy with his Democratic hate machine stuff.
      shootersa, Nov 1, 2015
  4. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Since I created my profile here I have discussed many subjects. This thread discusses a response to the "refugee crisis." I have explained European resistance to the influx of third world immigrants in terms of biological differences between Europeans and the immigrants.

    Even racially superior immigrants, like Orientals and Ashkenazi Jews, would be competing with native Europeans for jobs in a stagnant economy.
  5. chris4sylvia

    chris4sylvia Charming, Sexy, Unique and Priceless..

    Aug 1, 2006
    Unfortunately your explaination is completely wrong, because this crisis has NOTHING to do with racial or biological differences between Europeans and the immigrants from Syria, the Islamic states, Ethiopia, Eritrea and some Arab countries.

    If you bothered to read an article by Walter Russell Mead in The Wall Street Journal, dated September 11 and titled "The Roots of the Migration Crisis" then you would know that this crisis is more to do with how some nations have failed to grip modernisation.
    Those nations political leaders have for many years ruled with a systematic idealogy of corruption, causing an under-developed economy for their growing population.
    This in turn has led to wide-spread dissatisfaction amongst the people, which has then caused them to look towards Europe for what they perceive would be a better life.

    Germany; as an European economic leader, publicly stated that they will take somewhere in the region of 800,000 migrants (though the total by end of year could reach 1,500,000) and by so doing they suspended The Dublin Regulation.
    This has caused major over-crowding problems in the smaller European countries, which are the first countries the immigrants reach and thereby asylum should be sought there, and so this has led to border controls being re-introduced.

    There is nothing in this crisis to even suggest that European resistance is due to racial or biological differences, BUT the resistance is there because ONE European country wanted to be the big saviour, and they DID NOT look at the ramifications to their decision.
  6. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008
    It's not too hard to say this, but, I could be a bit hesitant about it, yet I wont. I agree with much that you have said here.

    What I will disagree with, is that ISIS did have some decision making in some of this, where as ISIS is not based upon some modernized principles, yet they, even use modernization and technology to advance their agenda. Effectively.
  7. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Where is there evidence that Arabs can create a prosperous society, unless they have oil under their sand? The estimated average IQ in Germany is 99. The average estimated IQ in Syria is 83.


    The inability of third world countries to create viable societies has genetic origins.
    1. shootersa
      If this were true you would be able to identify for us the race gene(s).
      shootersa, Nov 4, 2015
  8. chris4sylvia

    chris4sylvia Charming, Sexy, Unique and Priceless..

    Aug 1, 2006
    Are you completely thick or something!!! What part of READ THE WALL STREET JOURNAL ARTICLE, do you not understand??
    (link cannot be posted due to underage individuals in related photographs)

    Do you NOT understand the concept of people, regardless of race or intelligence, becoming dis-illusioned and dis-satisfied with their countries leaders being corrupt, that they want to find a better standard of living, also a lot of these migrants are fleeing the war in Syria.

    It is also noted that the second largest source of migrant arrivals into Germany are from Afghanistan, even though Europe has sent large amounts of aid to those people, so this crisis is NOT about race or intelligence, just people wanting to have a better standard of living in countries that are NOT war-torn or have corrupt leaders. (source from BBC Website dated 28th October)

    IF Germany had NOT made public it's claim before consulting with the other European Union countries, then this crisis would not have so widely reported.
    You have to consider the population and positioning of countries such as Serbia, Croatia and Hungary in relation to the population and positioning of Germany, regarding this problem.


    Almost any country can be prosperous if given the right leadership, so for you to stand on your racially discriminating pedestal and blab on about prosperity is linked to genetics, is just more racially prejudiced propoganda.

    How far away are you from a major transportation town dealing with this crisis?

    I live less than 60 kilometres from Salzburg, where the German border is then basically 500 metres further on from the Salzburg city limit.
  9. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Where is your evidence for that assertion? If what you say was true sub Saharan Africa would be thriving since independence under black majority rule.

    The ultimate reason for the problems of the Arab world is an average IQ of 85, and a high birth rate. Young men enter job markets that have little use for them. What little education they have has been restricted to study of the Koran. They long for the affluence of Europe. When they get to Europe most discover that they are unable to earn that affluence because they lack the IQ power. At this point many respond with crime, riots, and even terrorism.

    With an average IQ of 70 and an even higher birth rate, African Negroes are in a worse situation.

    The refugee problem in Europe now is sometimes compared with the refugee situation following the Second World War. The difference is that virtually all of the refugees were Europeans. They had good IQ's, good educations, good job skills, and good work habits.

    The refugee problem in Europe is also compared with the large number of immigrants that came to the United States during the turn of the last century. Again the difference is that most immigrants to the United States were Europeans. Most who were not were Orientals.
  10. chris4sylvia

    chris4sylvia Charming, Sexy, Unique and Priceless..

    Aug 1, 2006
    I gave you the information to find the article. The article is from your own Wall Street Journal, dated September 11th 2015. By a guy named Walter Russell Mead, the article is titled "The Roots of the Migration Crisis."
    I also explained that the article cannot have a link posted because of photos containing children, which are related to the article.

    Now go find the article and read it for yourself. Or are you too incompetent to use a simple search engine.

    You have NO idea as to the reasons behind THIS migrant crisis, so STOP trying to make yourself look intelligent by bringing racial differences into everything.

    We are NOT talking about ANY other problem than this CURRENT migrant crisis, so any other data is IRRELEVANT.
    Reference the O.P. on the reported gun sales surge in Austria Amid the refugee crisis.
    1. shootersa
      Cmon, don't bother with the dog.
      Of course he has no clue about the immigration issues in Europe, and I doubt he much cares.
      He is just using the issue as an excuse to shout
      You can counter all of his "facts" you want, but he doesn't care. He'll just continue his chant of
      shootersa, Nov 4, 2015
  11. chris4sylvia

    chris4sylvia Charming, Sexy, Unique and Priceless..

    Aug 1, 2006
    As a late addition to my previous post:

    Information taken from The Guardian newspaper, dated August 10th.
    Again NO link can be supplied because of related photos containing CHILDREN.
    So go and use a search engine and find the information yourself, like I have done.

    Far from being propelled by economic migrants, this crisis is mostly about refugees. The assumption by the likes of Hammond, May and others is that the majority of those trying to reach Europe are fleeing poverty, which is not considered by the international community as a good enough reason to move to another country.
    Whereas in fact, by the end of July, 62% of those who had reached Europe by boat this year were from Syria, Eritrea and Afghanistan, according to figures compiled by the UN. These are countries torn apart by war, dictatorial oppression, and religious extremism – and, in Syria’s case, all three. Their citizens almost always have the legal right to refuge in Europe. And if you add to the mix those coming from Darfur, Iraq, Somalia, and some parts of Nigeria – then the total proportion of migrants likely to qualify for asylum rises to well over 70%.

    Please point out where THIS migrant crisis is from RACIAL differences and low intelligence.
  12. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Anyone can find something on the internet that they agree with. If that article in The Wall Street Journal is as impressive as you claim, present it in your own words on a single computer screen. If you cannot do it, you do not understand it yourself.
  13. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    The chaos in their countries gives evidence of inferior biological quality. Third world peoples escape the dysfunctions of their own societies, and bring their dysfunctions with them. Europeans have no obligation to those people. If Arabs and Negroes had any sense they would have remained under the tutelage of European empires.
  14. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    It seems you are concerned and have an opinion on how Europe should deal with this illegal immigrant issue. Yet here at home in the US, social issues like this and others take a back seat and are of little to no concern at all with regards to your political support and who you vote for.

    This is one of the reasons why you can't be taken seriously and your opinion is of little worth...:meh:
  15. chris4sylvia

    chris4sylvia Charming, Sexy, Unique and Priceless..

    Aug 1, 2006

    WHY dont you look for the article yourself, and then you will also see the photos that have CHILDREN in them, which is WHY the link cannot be posted here. Or are you that dense and STUPID..You will also see that the article does NOT agree with your assertions.
    Unless you are now admitting that you are not as intelligent as you like to claim, and therefore hope to get me banned for posting photos with UNDERAGE children in them.

    W.a.l.l. S.t.r.e.e.t. J.o.u.r.n.a.l.
    Dated September 11th 2015
    Article titled- "The Roots of the Migration Crisis."
    Article written by--Walter Russell Mead.

    Strange how an article from the Wall Street Journal is NOT good enough for me, yet you post BLOGS from the same paper. HYPOCRITE
  16. chris4sylvia

    chris4sylvia Charming, Sexy, Unique and Priceless..

    Aug 1, 2006

    Start to READ and UNDERSTAND THIS migrant crisis properly
    Now post your assertions that THIS and ONLY THIS migrant crisis is from racial differences NOW.

    As you say "anyone can find something on the internet that they agree with" so strange how we have to accept your information as so-called truth, yet when anyone else uses the same sources then it is wrong.
    I have already stated WHY the links CANNOT be posted, BUT if you contact ILMJ and tell her that you are willing to take MY permanent ban instead of me, and she then contacts me to say YES I can post the links and YOU will get the permanent ban then I will post the links.

    Maybe it is about time you grew up and understood that you are NOT as intelligent as you would like others to believe.

    So go and read the informatiuon that deals with THIS and only THIS migrant crisis.
  17. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I want illegal immigrants in the United States to be located and deported. I want their employers to be punished for hiring them. I desire an end to H1B Visas. I also would like a decline in legal immigration.
  18. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I do think you are as stupid as you want others to believe. :p

    Read that information yourself, and tell me what it says in your own words.

    I would like for the European countries to admit Christian refugees, and keep the rest out. Jewish refugees are welcome in Israel.

    I have said on a number of occasions that the only country I care about in the Mid East is Israel. The only people I care about are the Kurds - who seem to be doing a good job fighting ISIS - the Christians, and those Jews who have not been masacered yet.
  19. chris4sylvia

    chris4sylvia Charming, Sexy, Unique and Priceless..

    Aug 1, 2006
    You mean just like you do, when you post links and then copy and paste relevant text sections.

    You have been given information to find the article yourself. I have explained why a link has not been posted, so if you cannot do a simple task like use a search engine to find it, then you are a total imbecile and a waste of my computer memory.
    Do your own research like I did.

    Strange how anyone else can use a search engine to find relevant information, BUT you need everything placed in front of you as if you are too idle and lazy to do something for yourself.
    How it must annoy you NOT to put me on ignore simply because you THINK I would waste my time trying to find out your personal information.
    When is it going to sink in to your dense skull that I do NOT live in the same country as you, I do NOT live on the same continent as you and I do NOT live in the same time-zone as you.
  20. chris4sylvia

    chris4sylvia Charming, Sexy, Unique and Priceless..

    Aug 1, 2006
    Yet another article, this time posted in "The Washington Post" dated September 18th written by Liz Sly, giving EIGHT reasons as to WHY this migrant crisis in Europe is happening now.

    Again the link CANNOT be posted due to relevant photos containing UNDERAGED individuals, so you will have to simply use a search engine.
    ALL details regarding this article have been given.

    As Distant Lover seems incapable of acting upon himself to find ANY information that disproves his feeble attempt to blame everything on racial differences, I will give a brief rundown of what These EIGHT reasons are: ALL in my OWN words, and NOTHING about racial inequality.

    1) The war in Syria:
    Which has been going on now for over FOUR years, and has cost the lifes of over 200,000. There is NO visible end to this war so the Syrians are just leaving their country by the thousands. It has been reported by ALL credible media that these Syrians make up aprox HALF of the migrant numbers. There are also migrants fleeing wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Eritrea and Niger.

    2) Getting into Europe has been made easier:
    Because of the European Union expansion and countries like Turkey and Greece being easy to reach overland, then this is the preferred route instead of by sea to Italy.

    3) Lower costs:
    It is cheaper now to get to Europe than it has been for many years, so the costs to pay smugglers is lower.

    4) Weather:
    Migrants like to travel in the summer, and with such high numbers then everyone wants to be in shelters before winter.

    5) Germany's over-enthusiastic welcome:
    Germany has stated that they will take somewhere in the region of 800,000 migrants this year, final total could be as high as 1,500,000, BUT this total has over-whelmed the smaller countries who are the FIRST European countries the migrants encounter and by The Dublin Regulation then asylum must be sought in these countries NOT Germany.

    6) Syrian war:
    As this war has been going on now for over FOUR years, the Syrian government has found itself short of manpower to serve in the state army, so they have started a conscription drive. Basically any man under 30 should be in the army and NOT trying to enter Europe.

    7) Ease of travel by Syrians:
    For some reason, even with this war going on, the Syrian government has made NO attempt to stop people from evading conscription and they have also made it easier for Syrians to get passports.

    8) Inadequate Aid:
    Either not enough aid has got to the right places in Syria, or what aid has arrived is being used unwisely.