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  1. anotheruser1

    anotheruser1 Porn Star

    Nov 24, 2009
    well stumbler, its like this. yes there is a gunsafety issue. No we can not fix it without pissing everyone off. So i am going to end my part of this by saying i am doing my part to make sure MY guns are safe. I cant be responsible for the worlds guns and neither can you.
  2. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006

    I love hunting. But I'm pretty spoiled. Especially when it comes to hunting elk or deer running onto another human foot print is enough to just ruin my whole day. There are so few places anymore that have that kind of space.

    But I swear its true. Its my grandmother who taught me how to handle a gun safely and also how to shoot. But that's because she was born and raised in an environment where guns were a very dangerous tool. Necessary, yes. But no excuse for even picking a gun up if you did not know what you're doing. And many, many people in that same environment who did not own guns because they did not want the responsibility that came with them.

    See there was never the cowboy with the Colt .45 on his hip and the .30-.30 lever action in the scabberd. That's bullshit. The first thing you learn if you're a REAL cowboy is there is no safe and comfortable way to carry a gun on horse back, hand guns or rifles.

    But that iconic image persists because of the first successful mass advertising campaign ever conducted by none other than you guessed it Colt Arms.

    Same with our founding fathers. One of the biggest problems with kicking off the revolution is they did not have enough guns. Hell, what do people living in the city need with a gun? Hell they threw snowballs and stuff and the Boston Massacre if I remember correctly.

    Naw, between the mythical bullshit about guns, the lack of respect for deadly weapons, and the men and women who see gun as an extension of their dick we got a problem with guns.
  3. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    How many of you have seen Red Dawn? More importantly who among you have been inspired by Red Dawn? I have to admit that Red Dawn was actually the train wreck of my patriotic/gun stand up to the evil invaders and/or infidels fantasies but for a reason I would have never dreamed of.

    I could not only relate, I cheered at the young and rebellious youths who took on the foreign invaders because they had guns. And I would have loved to hang onto that image. But then they went out and survived (and fought no less) off what they could hunt and find in the forests. And that broke my heart.

    Because I've never fought invaders with my .30-06. But I have lived out there in the forest and mountains or at least tried to and that's way harder than fighting invaders. Because the only way you can live out there is to make that your living 24/7/365 and you're still going to be hungry enough to hurt all the time. You don't have those choices. You can eat or you can try to fight but you can't do both unless someone is bringing you food.
  4. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011

    I like to spend some time at the range

  5. jakeydo09

    jakeydo09 Porn Surfer

    Oct 27, 2010
    yes for guns

    i love guns why would u take them away the gangs an all the bad peeps would still be able to get them. And then all the normal peaple like me and little ole grandma down the street a supposed to let these wanna be gansters an tough guys steal our shit. o and im well armed plenty of protection if any one tries to break in my house to steal or hurt my family they want get much except they will know they just walked in the wrong fucking house an see the last human alive.
  6. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011

    Considering you would not be able to store fresh meat, it would be unwise to hunt large game unless you were feeding a lot of people. Other wise, it would just attract predators and the like when you were not there to guard it. You would be better off hunting smaller game. Ever eat squirrel?
  7. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Try not to start off stupid and mouthy at the same time.

    Instead of taking guns away I bet I can out shoot you with your guns let alone mine.

    So be careful where you put your "u"'s
  8. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Remember seeing the guys shooting the deer. For four guys ok that's a week. You cannot survive eating rabbits alone. Even if you eat their eyes and bones if that's all you've got you'll eventually starve. I feasted on heart and liver until I could barely walk. That was the first time I'd been "full" in a couple weeks. And that took care of THAT DAY. By evening the next day we were hungry again.

    Look at all the survival shows on TV now. At most they're out there for seven days. Try it for a month and you'll find not only how worthless that gun can be, but how heavy it is as well. Meantime a stick about an inch and a half in diameter and about eight inches long will feed you better when it comes to bird you can eat than that .30-.06 will and a piece of nylon liner and a hook is the next best thing. Other than that you better know what grows, when, and where. And keep in mind nature holds you and the snow fleas to the same rules.

    PS If you have an underground cellar for the day time and hang your meat out at night you can keep it all year. You learn to look for fly eggs but even in the worst case scenario if you miss them and happen to eat a maggot or two it will not kill you. In fact the only reason some humans survived was because of eating them or having them eat the decayed flesh in wounds.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
  9. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    PS I once thought I caught the pro NRA outfitters I worked for in a worse violation than that because I looked across the canyon with my binoculars and saw the guide we called Shavota not only holding his hunter's gun, but the hunter was laying on the ground and his was kicking him.

    But that actually turned out to be a medical emergency. The hunter went into an epileptic seizure behind the Mountain Goat and once he wrestled that loaded gun out of his hands he was just trying to keep him from flopping off the rim-rocks.
  10. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    kydave, I think the Smith&Wesson's M&P line of guns are great. I own several
  11. ThisFNG

    ThisFNG Porn Star

    Oct 4, 2010
    Sig P239, 9mm, HP standard load.

    2nd Amendment is in place to protect us from tyrannical governments.

    o First thing Hitler did was collect all the guns, look where that went.
    o Mexico outlaws guns, only criminals have them, the police are all owned outright by the cartels and the only people without protection are the law abiding citizens. (Brazil is the same way)

    Besides when the Zombies come to you really want to be the only kid on your block who doesn't have his own pile of corpses?
  12. acook02

    acook02 Porn Star

    Jan 18, 2010
    Start young

    I learned at a young age how to handle a firearm, and to hunt and fish. I had my first bb gun by age five, and I knew how to use it, take care of it, and handle it safely. I recieved my first shotgun at age eight, of course I couldnt take it out alone, but I knew how to use, take care of, and handle it safely. I geuss thats the advantage of living in an outdoors type family, and I think hunting increased my respect for guns and there power. Seeing what a 270 does to a deer at 100 yards really makes you think about where you are pointing it, is it loaded, etc. As Ive said before I do carry a gun where ever it is allowed by law, in my state most places. I do have a concealed carry permit. You would never know I had a gun on me unless I had to use it. I dont flash it or show it off, and I would never pull it unless my life or someone elses life was in immediate danger. A healthy respect for guns will get you a long way, and maybe save your life. Think about it, it you where a criminal getting ready to rob a house. If there where two houses side by side and you knew one homeowner was armed and the other wasnt, which one would you rob?
  13. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I was once fool enough to believe that myself. Until Kimiko asked me one day: "Let's see, we're talking tanks and machine guns versus deer rifles. What's wrong with this picture?"

    Besides I think gun owners like myself would have to lend my support and fire power if necessary to protect and defend the United States of America. I believe our country is worth defending from all enemies foreign and domestic.
  14. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Or how about what a .30-.06 does to a jackrabbit at about 50 or 70 yards. I made sure all four of my kids got a good look at it when they were little so they know what guns really do.
  15. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011

    A .30-.06 has some long legs. What kind of glass do you have for it? I can hit a 10" ring at 400 yards using an AR-15 with a competition barrel and the right scope.

  16. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    You shot a jackrabbit at 50 yards with a 30-06 just to show your kids what it would do? You could have used a cantaloupe, wait 'til PETA hears about this. Damn insensitive killer of innocents.


  17. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I have a cheap 3 to 9 variable Tasco scope that I haven had off 4 power for 35 years. I think I just bought the hype on variable scopes. Once I learned to shoot it the yardage didn't matter. And out here 400 and 500 yard shots are not uncommon but getting a nice clean kill at that range is.
  18. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    See if you can spot anything different in this story?

  19. the fox

    the fox A Feisty little Animal

    Oct 19, 2006
    you know guns would not be such a big deal if you lot would just calm down over them a little

    I mean all of you

    party A stop trying to ban them and whining about it like bitches

    Party B admit that guns are tools of death and stop putting them on pedastles

    Guns are guns thay are made to kill but banning them is also a retarded idea

    just calm down over it your never going to agree